Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips To Removing Acne Scars

Acne scars can be embarrassing and they could really effect someone's confidence level. There are plenty of commercial products that can or may not help reduce acne scars. Many folks are a bit leery about spending quite a lot of money on something that can or may not work but they want to get rid of the acne scars.

There are actually home remedies for acne scars that can work without really having to invest too much money. There are actually plenty of home remedies for acne scars; almost all involve some kind of food stuff. Some of them seem like they would work some of them are just plain silly.

Lemon juice can improve the appearance of acne scars. Typically the reason that acne scars are so noticeable is because they're discolored and are darker than the surrounding skin. You may gently bleach and fade scars simply by putting lemon juice directly on the scar.

You can also use a tomato and lemon juice combination or just tomatoes alone. The tomatoes have high concentrations of vitamin A which may be absorbed right into the skin; this may act as an anti inflammatory and will reduce the swelling of the acne scar.

Ice cubes can reduce the appearance of the scar by reducing the swelling of the scar. Egg whites can also be used. You simply use a cotton ball to apply egg whites to the acne scar and leave it on overnight in the morning you simply wash off. Cucumbers are also thought to have healing properties and can be either sliced up and applied as is to the scar or they could be mashed to create a mask which may be applied to the whole face.

A paste made from oatmeal and lemon juice that can sit on the scar will help to reduce redness related to the scar. You may also massage olive oil into the skin after these treatments to moisturize and improve the texture of the skin.

There are actually some home remedies for acne scars that you should probably avoid. Using urine on your face is no longer the best idea. Although there are some people that swear this works to get rid of all types of scars, it seems a bit counterintuitive and unsanitary.

The utilization of any household chemical is also not something that must be done. Household chemicals can seriously damage your skin and should never be used on the face.

Home remedies for acne scars may improve your condition and in most cases will certainly be safe and not do any harm as long as the remedy is tempered with good common sense.

Written by: Ashley Lewis

Author Resource:-> Getting rid of acne marks will be difficult at first but worth it in the long run. To find out more about acne scars, please, visit our website for additional information.
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